You may return most new, unopened items which were not special orders within 30 days of delivery for a refund. If you received an incorrect or defective item, we will cover the return shipping costs in instances where it is a result of an error on our end. All returns that don't meet this criteria will be subject to a 25% restocking fee. There will be no returns on complete Camso ATV or UTV track systems. If you have purchased a complete set of ATV or UTV Tracks, parts or Transfer Kit and request cancellation proir to shipment there will be a 5% credit card cancellation fee. Items should be returned in their original packaging.  Special order items may be returned at our discretion. We may not accept returns on merchandise that was opened, used,  missing the original labeling,  or returned more than 30 days after delivery. If you would like to make a return or exchange, it is imperative that you contact us by  email and receive an RMA number before returning your items. Items will not be eligible for a refund or exchange if they are returned to us without prior notification.


Please review our other policies posted on this site. We reserve the right to make changes to our site, policies, and these Conditions of Use at any time. If any of these conditions shall be deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that condition shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining condition.